Can I cancel my Moneybox account?
Yes, you can cancel any Moneybox account within its cancellation period, which is:
- 14 days from your first payment into the account for our Simple Saver, Reward Savings Account, and all of our Notice Accounts
- 30 days from your first payment into the account for our ISAs, Lifetime ISAs, GIA, and Junior ISA
- 30 days from the date you complete registration for our Pension
To cancel, please get in touch with our Support team either via the in-app chat in Settings > Help, or by emailing within your cancellation period. You’ll be asked to confirm your details before your cancellation is processed.
Cancellations for cash accounts are typically complete within 3 working days, and cancellations for investment accounts typically complete within 10 working days. Please note these timeframes may take longer if you have deposits in-progress.
If you have made investments, these will be sold and you will receive back your original contribution (minus any shortfall). Where a profit has been made, you will receive your original contribution amount.
If you’re no longer in your cancellation period, you can close your Moneybox account by making a withdrawal or transferring the account to another provider. Please note that for a Junior ISA, withdrawals can only be made by the child once they have turned 18, and for our Pension, you must be at least 55 years of age to withdraw.