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23 July 2021
Pensions Academy - Lesson 2: Deep-dive into State, Workplace and Private Pensions and learn how they differ.
23 July 2021
Pensions Academy - Lesson 3: A personal pension is a great way to build up a healthy retirement pot, beyond the State and workplace pension, helping you afford the life you want to live after work.
23 July 2021
Pensions Academy - Lesson 4: Become familiar with stock market movement and learn how to best protect and grow your pension pot.
23 July 2021
Pensions Academy - Lesson 5: We’re breaking down the jargon around pension tax relief so you can understand what it is and how it can benefit you.
23 July 2021
Pensions Academy - Lesson 6: Here’s what you should consider when deciding how much to save for retirement.
23 July 2021
Pensions Academy - Lesson 7: Check out our top tips to help you start saving for your retirement now.
23 July 2021
Pensions Academy - Lesson 8: 5 reasons why it could be worthwhile combining your old pension pots.
23 July 2021
Pensions Academy - Lesson 9: From the State Pension, to personal pensions, here’s what you need to know about accessing your pot at retirement.
23 July 2021
Pensions Academy - Lesson 10: The Moneybox Pension allows you to consolidate your old pots into one new personal pension, contribute towards your retirement and take control of your financial future. Learn more!
25 March 2021
Thinking about consolidating your old pension pots? We dispel 3 myths about pension transfers.

It's important you know

Capital at risk. All investing should be for the longer term. The value of your investments can go up and down, and you may get back less than you invest. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future.

A 25% government penalty applies if you withdraw money from a Lifetime ISA for any reason other than buying your first home (up to £450,000) or for retirement, and you may get back less than you paid into your Lifetime ISA.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

Payments you make into your pension won’t be accessible until the minimum pension age (currently 55, increasing to age 57 from 2028). Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future.

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